The Theatre Disciplines

We are often asked the differences between the classes that we offer: the difference between an acting class and a musical theatre class; between an exclusively dancing class and a musical theatre class; between different age groups of the same discipline. These differences can often be hard to pin down because, while there is overlap, […]

New Year, New Something

Just a week after Christmas, after all the decorations are down, all the unwrapped gifts have been put away into cupboards and onto shelves, and all the frequent parties have come to an end, we find ourselves in a New Year. A whole 365 days to fill until we do it all over again. We’re […]

Wrapping Up At Christmas

Christmas is not only a time for celebration but its also a time for reflection, to look back on the year as a whole, considering all its ups and downs. With it landing on the 25th of December, six days before the New Year, it’s normal to feel like the preceding 358 days have flown […]

What is a Pantomime?

Pantomimes are a theatrical and British staple of the holiday, Christmas season. Every year, posters are plastered all over town, advertising cheery farces of classic tales from ‘Aladdin’ to the ‘Wizard of Oz’. Across the country, a legion of theatres opt in to rewrite the year’s most played pop songs and rehearse laugh-out-loud scenes for […]

Putting On A Show

The theatre is a truly magical place; somewhere we go to relax and escape from life’s pressures. As we gather in the auditorium and the curtain rises and the lights come up, we share laughs, gasps, tears, drinks and overpriced bags of Maltesers, as we sit back and allow ourselves to be transported to the […]

It’s Up To You, New York, New York

New York, for many of us, has always had a magical quality. We think of it alongside the trumpets that blast at the beginning of a Frank Sinatra track that has grabbed centre stage on many a karaoke floor. Our television screens convey the busyness of the “City That Never Sleeps” through depictions of blaring, […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions 

Sometimes, even as adults, the mildest choices can become overwhelming. The decision between taking the motorway or sideroads could be the difference between a good day out or a 25 minute traffic jam tormented by Radio 1. We’re faced with decisions on an almost hourly basis. Run or walk? Shower or bath? Takeaway or cook? […]

How You Can Help ACTS

There is something about the buzz of a drama classroom, something about the laughs and cheers, the singing and the harmonies that radiates joy. Seeing young people, that perhaps never would have met otherwise, enter the space and immediately let themselves go to be their silliest and freest selves makes us quite jealous.  It’s something […]

We’re Off To See The Wizard!

Here at ACT Scotland, pantomime preparation is well underway! But how did our Christmas Panto come to be? From brain to stage, read on to learn about how we turned our ambition of staging a full scale Christmas pantomime into a reality! ‘If you can dream it, you can do it.’ – Walt Disney Last […]

Why the arts are so important

Finally! After what has been a challenging and exhausting period of lockdown(s) and restrictions for everyone, things are starting to look up. For us at ACT Scotland, it means at long last we can welcome your wonderful smiling, talented faces back into the studio. If you haven’t already joined us for an online workshop or […]